
A Very Special Place 
Recognizing the value of Chestnut Hill as a National Historic District set within the sensitive natural environment known as the Wissahickon Watershed, the Chestnut Hill Community Association’s Physical Division provides active stewardship of land use planning and zoning issues within the community.  We have been doing this longer than anyone else! The CHCA was founded back in 1947 by a core group of community members who saw their beloved neighborhood losing its specialness to unconsidered development and neglect. They established a vision and standards that remain in practice today. To maintain these standards, CHCA committees were formed to provide a process for review: Development Review, Land Use Planning and Zoning, and Streetscape. These committees, staffed by volunteers, work with the community and with City agencies, including the Philadelphia City Planning Commission, Philadelphia Streets Department, Philadelphia Water Department, and City Council representatives.

Over a period of many years, we have refined this review process and engage the participation of other Chestnut Hill organizations including the Chestnut Hill Conservancy, the Chestnut Hill Business Association and BID, Parking Foundation, and Friends of the Wissahickon. Together, we comprehensively evaluate both development proposals made by institutional, business, and residential applicants, and zoning matters originating either within our community or the City at large. Our process takes place in a public forum that allows broad community input to facilitate the best possible resolutions for our community.

We are the coordinating Registered Community Organization (RCO) in Chestnut Hill. This means that we bring together representatives from the other Chestnut Hill RCOs and stakeholder organizations as part of our Development Review Process to review projects that are required by the City to seek a variance or review. The process typically spans 37-44 days. Occasionally, revisions are requested that can lengthen the process. Participation in the review process leads to a final decision from the CHCA Board of Directors regarding the recommendation sent to the Philadelphia Zoning Board of Adjustment.

The Physical Division committees are supported by staff that can assist applicants through the review process. Instructions for providing information to us can be found HERE. Our meeting schedule can be found HERE.  We require that every applicant fill out our DRC application, which can be found HERE. We look forward to meeting with you and helping you make a positive contribution to Chestnut Hill. 

The purpose of the DRC is to:
 A.    Serve as a forum to the Chestnut Hill community for public and private property-related interests and concerns as they pertain to zoning, planning, City-services, preservation, and environmental matters.

 B.    Serve as the leader in performing community review of all proposed zoning matters requiring a review (variance, special exception, or zoning change) as referred by the City of Philadelphia to the Chestnut Hill Community Association. In this capacity, it conducts meetings as a Registered Community Organization (RCO), as required by City Zoning Code.

C.     Serve as the convening committee of Chestnut Hill RCO’s and relevant organizations, including the Chestnut Hill Conservancy, Chestnut Hill Business District, Friends of the Wissahickon, and 9th Republican Ward, as these organizations choose to participate.

D.    Serve as the public venue for all interested community members to listen, comment, and question on property-related matters.

E.     Make a report and recommendation to the Board of Directors of the CHCA (Board) as appropriate.

The final CHCA position to be rendered to the City of Philadelphia on all zoning matters will be decided by the Board unless it, or its Executive Committee, as directed by CHCA bylaws, authorizes the DRC to submit the CHCA position to the City.

Chestnut Hill’s development review process welcomes applicants seeking informal review of development issues for compliance with Chestnut Hill design guidelines and formal Registered Community Organization (RCO) review of Licenses & Inspections Refusals and Special Exceptions that require Zoning Board of Adjustment hearings.

Information regarding the City of Philadelphia appeals process can be found here:                        
If you are notified by the Philadelphia City Planning Commission that your project requires review by RCOs in Chestnut Hill, please follow the City Zoning Code instructions regarding notification to RCOs and contact us to arrange your presentation. Information regarding the City of Philadelphia RCO notification process can be found here:            
View the 2022 DRC Review Process Schedule

The Chestnut Hill Development Review Committee (DRC) meets at 7:00 pm on the third Tuesday of each month at Chestnut Hill Hospital, 8835 Germantown Avenue, Philadelphia, 19118. To have the DRC review your project please contact us at least 10 days prior to this date to be placed on the meeting agenda. Click here for an application to begin the development review process: APPLICATION  additionally we provide a check list of needed documents: CHECKLIST 

The CHCA development review process provides opportunities for your application to be reviewed by professionals and community members alike, over the course of 3-5 regularly-scheduled meetings. These meetings include:

LUPZ functions as a technical advisory committee of the Physical Division of the CHCA. LUPZ is composed of professionals in architecture, landscape architecture, city planning, law, real estate, finance, and related fields. LUPZ’s professional perspective and experience is intended to help provide the CHCA Board, Committees, related entities, and applicants with objective guidance and recommendations on:
A.         Changes in land uses, buildings, plans, and zoning, and their impacts on near neighbors and the broader community;
B.         The aesthetics and feasibility of proposed projects;
C.        The general compliance of proposed projects with land use and design guidelines approved by or in association with the CHCA;
D.        The consistency of proposed projects with “best practices” for comparable projects, and;
E.        The compliance of projects with Philadelphia Codes.

As part of its preservation advocacy work, the Chestnut Hill Conservancy maintains a Historic District Advisory Committee (HDAC) composed of preservation, architecture, planning and development professionals. The HDAC addresses issues raised during the community’s design review process reviewing projects that are related to historic structures, properties, and open space for their effect on the character of the Chestnut Hill National Register Historic District. The boundaries of this District roughly correlate to the 19118 zip code in the City of Philadelphia. The HDAC has been the Chestnut Hill Conservancy’s agent as a Recognized Community Organization since 2012.

The Conservancy evaluates variance requests based on the Secretary of the Interior’s Standards for Treatment of Historic Properties, and Philadelphia’s Zoning Board of Adjustment’s (ZBA’s) criteria for zoning variances, as described in this link to the ZBA Application for Appeal.

The Streetscape committee is an advisory group that reviews new and renovating design projects in the Chestnut Hill commercial district. The committee reviews building designs, fences, signage, and walls. Its objectives are to:
A.         Achieve a sense of unity for the Chestnut Hill business District, while allowing each part of the Avenue to have its own character and to allow diversity in building design, which enhances the historic character of the Avenue.
B.         Improve the present environmental quality of the streets and sidewalks for he the Business District without imposing a shopping-mall-like appearance on the street.
C.        Be a resource to businesses to help promote Chestnut Hill’s unique streetscape.

Germantown Avenue Design Guidelines

The CHCA's development review process ensured this project had public input

Fences and Zoning
Planning to Build a Fence?
As part of Philadelphia, Chestnut Hill is regulated by City zoning and building codes that apply to new and replacement fences. These regulations pertain to fence location, height, and opaqueness (degree of visibility through the fence). The contracts provided by many fencing companies make the property owner solely responsible for obtaining any necessary building permits, and the contracts often do not mention the need to check for compliance with zoning provisions. Some Chestnut Hill residents have had fences installed that subsequently triggered zoning violation citations, with steep penalties. An existing fence that has stood for several years and does not comply with current code is not in and of itself illegal, but it cannot be replaced in kind. Such fences are not "grandfathered in."  The photos below show examples of fencing that would be permitted in Philadelphia under current zoning code.

Fence options

Residential Yard Parking

As part of Philadelphia, Chestnut Hill is regulated by City zoning codes that maintain visually open setbacks free of vehicles.  These regulations pertain to setbacks in front, side, and rear yards that are free of development and vehicle parking. 

Chestnut Hill, by tradition, includes many properties that have no on-site parking, thus maintaining its quality as a walkable and transit-accessible ‘green-country town.’ We are pleased that the Zoning Code supports this tradition. 

Some conditions do exist that would not be granted a permit by current zoning code. The photos below show examples of blocks have remained free of residential parking within the front yard setback.

Learn more about what to consider when developing residential parking


Parking Photos


At the direction of the Chestnut Hill Community Association and the Chestnut Hill Conservancy, the Chestnut Hill Residential Conservation, Preservation, and Development Study was created to address community efforts to conserve open space in the challenged Wissahickon Watershed, improve the water quality of the Wissahickon, and inform community decisions regarding the protection of historically significant architecture and priority areas for new development.

One of the key deliverables of the study was a series of six maps that help to illustrate the lay of the land—a survey of what exists, and what’s at stake. 

Review the Maps. Click on each map to enlarge and view at full resolution in a new window. AerialZoningEnvironmental FeaturesProtect Our WatershedExisting Protected Public and Private Land, and Historically Significant Architecture.

The Study prepared the community for informed public discussions and decision-making, and was especially useful in early 2018, when the Philadelphia Planning Commission began the Northwest Philadelphia District Plan, one of the final elements of the city’s Philadelphia2035 Comprehensive Plan.

Philadelpphia 2035

Read more about this initiative.

Chestnut Hill Pocket Parks Partnership-An overview of the parks, programs, and green spaces throughout Chestnut Hill.